Per the terms of the lease agreement, residents are required to give at least 45 days notice prior to vacating even if the resident is just vacating because the lease is ending soon. If you are vacating before your lease is scheduled to end, you will need to choose an early termination option.
To give notice to vacate, start by logging into either the desktop or mobile version of your resident portal. From the "My Account" page, scroll down to "View Account Detail," and select this. Scroll to the top of the page this pulls up, and select the "Give Notice" button, which will take you to a form where you can submit notice to vacate.
This will send an email notifying all the departments at Nestwell of your intent to vacate. From there, we will send you a DocuSign form to sign. This is our way of properly documenting all of our tenants who are vacating within the next 30-60 days. Every adult who is named on the lease will need to complete this notice.